Curd, beautiful curd! So the name itself – CURD – may not sound appetizing to some. Others may immediately think of cheese curds. And, while cheese curds are DELICIOUS, I am talking about fruit curd today. You can use it to fill a cake or cupcakes, pipe it into doughnuts, […]
Tag: filling
Lingonberry Curd and Whipped Filling for Doughnuts
I’m sick. Everyone in my house is sick. It’s been over a week and it just seems to be getting worse. I know we’ll get over it but, man, I’m sick of being sick! But even though I feel horrible and can’t breathe at all ( I have asthma and […]
Oatmeal Nutters
Mmmmm, nutter butters. One of my favorite childhood treats. I love anything peanut butter but those crunchy pb cookies with pb filling could entice me to eat an entire package in a sitting and only feel mildly guilty. When I bought the beautiful Bouchon Bakery Cookbook and saw a recipe […]
Apple Pie Tart
Ahhh, Fall is here. Or so they tell me! Our temps are still in the low 90’s here so it doesn’t feel much like Fall! Now, don’t get me wrong — I’m not complaining! I LOVE hot weather! I never want summer to end and I dread the approach of […]