As a true foodie, I love to visit new restaurants, snap pics of amazing plates and (of course) EAT! But I can also find myself falling down the rabbit hole of food blogs on the internet. There are so many inspirational bloggers out there and I love to peruse their latest recipes as well as read the stories they share openly with the world.

I have a huge Pinterest board with ‘must-try’ recipes and I actually do make them! My food boards are ever changing and a constant source of new flavors and decorating techniques to try. There are also a number of classic recipes there that I want to put my own spin on!
But there are certain blogs that I visit not only for the food but also for the people that write them. Check out the blogs below – you won’t be sorry!
- by Emily Vanonni – I am mostly a baker and tend to focus on recipes for cakes, cookies, breads, and other baked items. Emily is a baker AND a chef. Emily and I have a special bond. We met at a baking competition and, although neither of us won, we went through the ringer together. I get her, she gets me, and we both understand the excitement and disappointment associated with that particular competition. Her blog is fun! It is full of recipes and creative ideas for foodie adventures. She focuses on food and family and, let’s face it, what else is there?!?!
- by Vallery Lomas – Vallery won The Great American Baking Show Season 3. The only problem was that very few people got to see it. The season was pulled by the network after allegations of misconduct by one of the judges. All of the hard work, along with the hopes and dreams of the contestants, were sent to a vault for storage instead of being aired for all to see. But Vallery does not let that get her down. She has coined the hashtag #lemonstolemoncurd and she lives it daily. Her recipes are creative and doable by even a novice and her positive attitude and determination to live her dream are amazing!
- by Bjork and Lindsay – As I mentioned before and you probably already know, I’m a baker. But sometimes I am forced to make dinner – you know, like real food with meat and vegetables for my family. Pinch of Yum is where I turn for all things food. It’s a large blog and you may already know of it but I am sharing it with you anyway. The recipes are delicious, the photography is top-notch, the stories are entertaining and the ideas are endless.
- by many contributors – This is another huge blog but definitely needs mentioned if we are talking about my favorites. Stella Parks aka Bravetart is a major contributor and she is one of my food idols. Her posts go into the science-y part of baking that fascinates me. Her tips and tricks will make you bake/cook like a rockstar! OK, actually like a chef, but you get what I mean, right?
- by Cheryl Norris – I met Cheryl on a trip to London where we bonded over baking. Cheryl started her blog just after that trip and has put so much into it. She is a true perfectionist, both in her baking and in putting together beautiful photos and well written recipes. I strive to make my blog, recipes and photos as well presented as hers!
- by Gemma Stafford – Seriously, the collection of recipes on Gemma’s blog astounds me. Mostly sweet, some savory, all fantastic! You’ll find some Irish classics on there as well as fast and easy mug cakes, cookies, ice cream, you name it – she has made it and has a recipe to help you make it too!
- by Joanie Simon – Technically not a food blog but the best place to learn about food photography, bar none! Joanie has a number of food photography articles and even her own YouTube channel with videos where she covers this topic . Joanie is knowledgeable, entertaining and fun to watch! I’m trying to move away from the quick snapshot with my phone and apply Joanie’s techniques to my food photos. (If only I had the patience to not dig in right away!) Not only is she a great photographer (the woman can make a casserole look amazing – that’s talent!) she is also an incredible chef! Yes, she has recipes on her blog too!
Obviously, these are not the only blogs that I frequently read. There are so many others and I will highlight some of them in upcoming posts! Please check out these blogs and let me know what you think!

Thank you so much for the shout out for my site Bakes by Brown Sugar and the massive compliment. I’m so glad to get that kind of feedback on my site. I totally have a huge grin on my face as I write this. Thank you again.
Thank you Cheryl and keep up the amazing work! Can’t wait to see what you will share next!